Send friends eCards directly on WhatsApp from DontSendMeACard. Sending a card has never been faster and easier.
Communicating with loved ones over WhatsApp is the new norm. Sharing WhatsApp eCards gives you the ability to:
• Create one eCard to share to everyone
• Or personalise each one, it’s up to you
• Do some good, by going paperless and helping a cause
Upload a photo to accompany your personal message inside each eCard.
• Upload photos
• Write personal messages
• Opt to show how much you donated
With each donation, you are assigned a volume of up to 100 eCards to use.
• Come back and use up any time
• View your shares in your account
• Track your carbon savings
x100 volume for multi-cards e.g. Christmas and x5 volume for single cards e.g. birthday.
Donate the cost of sending printed cards
Choose a charity ecard or find your charity to support and make a donation. From there you will be assigned a volume of ecards which you can use to share to WhatsApp.
How sharing works
After you donate the cost of cards, you can compose your e-card message and upload a photo. From there you can click 'Share' and generate the URL to share. A button appears that if clicked on your mobile device will take you straight to WhatsApp.
View full instructions on our blog article New Feature – Share eCards to WhatsApp and Messenger
Up to x5 or x100
When you donate the cost of cards on DontSendMeACard you are assigned a volume of either x5 for single cards e.g. birthdays, or x100 for multi-cards e.g. Christmas, to send. Find out more about volumes.
You can customise your eCards for different friends and family members.
Every time you generate a share URL you can go back and create another. This means that you can edit the Message, who it is From, and upload a new Photo, and create an entirely new e-card to share.
Editable fields that you can customise when using one of your assigned volumes to share an e-card to WhatsApp:
• Message
• From Name
• Custom photo or image
You are not restricted to WhatsApp. You can also copy the share URL and share it however you like.
The two platforms that we offer the ability to click to share your e-card and go straight to the app on your mobile device are WhatsApp and Messenger however.
Deleting a share and starting again
You have 24 hours to delete a share that you created. This allows you to view the share, and if you want to make changes to the message or photo included, you have the opportunity to delete it and restart.
When you delete the share we re-instate the x1 e-card volume used so you aren't out of credits making edits :)
Simply login to your account and access a previous order, and you can try out the new functionality.
New users
Make your first donation and you can check out the new features. The minimum is £1/$1 if you want to give it a go first :)
The share to WhatsApp feature is also made available when you go to send Corporate Christmas eCards.
These general eCard designs are available when your charity hasn't created their own designs so you can still support them.
After you choose a charity card design above you then:
• Donate what you would have spent on greeting cards
• This is via PayPal or credit card
• You can then finalise and share your e-cards to WhatsApp
You are assigned a volume of up to 100 e-cards to share. Or for single cards a volume of up to 5.
Yes. You can change your personal ecard message between shares or send the same message to everyone in one hit.
This customisable feature is an important distinction between our comprehensive ecard platform versus other solutions who are unable to offer this ability.
Yes we now have delivery reports available showing you the status of each of your ecard shares.
Once you've made your donation you can come back anytime to share your WhatsApp charity e-greetings online in your account.
Feel good about making an eco choice for cards and celebrating the end of the year with a gift to your charity of the cost of cards. You are not out of pocket as you would have spent that amount on cards and stamps anyway!
You can now track your exact carbon savings in your account now. Find out more about saving carbon.
Head on over to our FAQ in our docs section where you'll find lots more answers to your questions.
If you can't find the perfect charity ecard in our gallery, you can also filter by charity instead of ecard design.