Unsubscribe to Emails

You can unsubscribe to emails from DontSendMeACard by:


1. Logging in to your account

2. Go to the Mail Preferences tab

3. Opt out of our newsletter and turn off automatic occasion reminders

Remove my Data

You have the right to be forgotten under GDPR legislation. To remove all data from our systems simply:


1. Login to your DontSendMeACard account

2. Go to Edit Profile

3. At the bottom of that page select the option 'Right to be forgotten under GPDR legislation.'

4. Follow the confirmation steps

All personal data linked with this account will be removed. Some transaction data will be anonymised.
If you haven't yet setup an account, please do so to follow the above instructions.

Unable to Access Account

If you are having issues gaining access to your user account to perform the above steps,
please submit a support request and we'd be happy to help you further.

Assurances of Credibility

You may have made a donation via our platform thinking that you made it directly on the charities website,
and then received an email receipt from us. If you're unsure about us then we'd like to assure you of our credibility
as a trusted provider and partner to over 1000 charities.


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