Platform for change

A platform for change built from your feedback

We've been lucky enough over the past few years to have worked directly with incredible fundraising teams whilst receiving valuable feedback from our generous donors.

The result is our new account dashboard system:

DontSendMeACard account

The DontSendMeACard account dashboard

After sending your first e-card with DontSendMeACard you'll receive an activation link to access your account. From there you can:

• Track your carbon savings
• Monitor your total given to charity in lieu of cards
• Schedule e-cards to be sent at a later date
• Invite your friends to join you in not sending greeting cards
• Manage your special occasions from one user-friendly interface

The features

Never forget another occasion

One of the most sought-after additions to our system was to be able to sit down and have your cards sorted for the year ahead. This is now possible with our schedule feature.

A truly carbon-neutral alternative

This is the very current and important topic that is attracting people to our solution – choosing a paperless and carbon-neutral method. You'll be amazed after only a few months of switching from cards to e-cards how much carbon you'll have saved.

Invite friends

Tell friends and family ‘Don’t send me a card!’ and to join you in not sending greeting cards. They'll either love joining you or love moaning about how it's tradition!

The problem

Greeting cards

We've said it before and we'll say it again – we believe that sending each other a billion bits of cardboard annually is a waste of resources and fuel. If you haven't yet seen it take a peek at our infographic.

Charity greeting cards

The problem we are addressing isn't just cards – it's charity greeting cards in particular. You can read on UK Fundraising about the measly amounts traditionally given.

Print-on demand cards

To make matters worse print on-demand and personalised card sites keep cropping up. These just add to the problem of environmental waste.

The change

The intention is to move away from greeting cards all together. We understand that it's a tradition, but times change.

It's quite clear that we need to make some drastic changes in the 21st century. That said it's also the small adjustments that can, and do, make a difference too, right?

For one I hate it when I see:

• People just chucking glass in the bin – surely you could do a monthly trip?

• Foreign flowers being delivered to florists via plane and artic lorry – surely we could make do with what we have locally?

• Bananas and avocados in packaging – surely the skin on these things is tough enough?

So I know that by you signing-up to the card alternative that I co-founded won't change the world instantly. But that's not the point.

By joining us you're initiating that moment where your friends and family are invited to a new way of doing something that stops the paper waste. They can then follow your lead, and their network, and so forth.

Change needs a platform. If you've secretly – or made it abundantly clear – over the years that you think cards are annoying to reciprocate, glittery, destined for the bin, overpriced bits of cardboard detritus. Then let us be your soapbox to say no more :)

Posted by Alex Furness, November 2019

If you'd like to help spread the word about our initiative of the cost of cards helping charities, re-posting this content is a great way to do so. Thank you!