Plan B to Save Wolves charity eCards

Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to Plan B to Save Wolves. Choose a category below to view all designs for that occasion.

Charity Registration No. 81-2573246

About Plan B to Save Wolves

Too often wolf dogs need to be rescued however the funds are not always readily available. Wherever possible, Plan B to Save Wolves will fund and fundraise for specific rescues to help with transport, medical care, new enclosures, and more to ensure the rescue is a success. These smaller rescues can range from one to ten wolf dogs and the requests for funding for these situations are frequent. Read the heartbreaking stories of wolves and wolf dogs your donations will save on our Facebook page at

At Plan B it is our honor to receive your donations and use them to provide transport, rescue, and life-saving medical care to wolves, wolfdogs, sanctuaries, rescues, and other wolf supporting organizations. Thank you for your continuing support.

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