Nystagmus Network charity eCards

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Charity Registration No. 1180450

About Nystagmus Network

The Nystagmus Network is a registered charity supporting people living with nystagmus in the UK. Nystagmus is a complex eye condition, characterised by involuntary movements of the eye. This means that people struggle to recognise faces, judge depth and distances and see the world in 3D. Nystagmus affects at least 1 in 1,000 people.

The charity was founded in 1984 by Vivien Jones after her son was diagnosed with nystagmus when he was three months old and has grown exponentially from very humble beginnings to the hi-tech digital online presence of today. The Nystagmus Network has been at the forefront in promoting a better understanding of nystagmus as well as leading the way in funding research to find effective treatments. The charity offers its members the opportunity to get as much information about the condition as possible and through its support services, the Nystagmus Network ensures that, following diagnosis, there is somewhere for a family to turn to.

Learn more at https://nystagmusnetwork.org/