Hampshire Constabulary Force Welfare Fund charity eCards

Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to Hampshire Constabulary Force Welfare Fund. Choose a category below to view all designs for that occasion.

Charity Registration No. 291061

About Hampshire Constabulary Force Welfare Fund

Hampshire Constabulary Welfare Fund is a registered charity providing serving and retired police officers and members of police staff with financial assistance during times of extreme financial hardship.

The charity was established in 1985 and may provide assistance where all other avenues have been explored and refused.

Funds are used to provide:-

-Welfare gifts to serving members of staff who subscribe to the fund, who are in hospital for 48 hours or more or off sick for 2 weeks or more and then monthly thereafter.
-Loans or grants to serving and retired members of staff suffering extreme financial difficulties.
-Assisting with the purchase of equipment for disabled members, dependants or retired staff.
-Financial assistance to Widows and Widowers of Hampshire Constabulary employees and much more.

Learn more at https://twitter.com/HantsFWF