Hammersmith and Fulham Mencap charity eCards

Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to Hammersmith and Fulham Mencap. Choose a category below to view all designs for that occasion.

Charity Registration No. 1150840

About Hammersmith and Fulham Mencap

We seek to promote the wellbeing and development of children and adults with learning disabilities and autism in all areas of their lives as well as supporting their families and carers.

Although HF Mencap is affiliated to National Mencap, we are independently registered and governed, and self-financed. If you wish to support our activities, donations should be made directly to HF Mencap.

Key Objectives:-
To provide support to access opportunities that ensure children and adults with learning with learning disabilities and autism:

Are accepted and included in the community.
Have their views and needs listened to by decision makers.
Supported to live as independently as possible, through the freedom of choice and control.
Supported to campaign and stand up for their rights
Provided with the opportunities to continue to learn, develop and live their lives to the full.
Have their dreams met e.g. Make friends, form relationships, get a job, live in their own home.

Learn more at https://hfmencap.org/