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Charity Registration No. NIC104640
About Age NI
Age NI is the leading charity and voice of older people in Northern Ireland. Our vision is 'a world where we can thrive as we age, and our mission is to 'help people enjoy later life'. Our work is centred around enabling older people to make the very best of their lives and to create a society that truly values, supports and welcomes them.
Age NI has a strong engagement focus to ensure we are a vibrant, caring and dynamic organisation which represents the voice of older people. Age NI delivers care and wellbeing services, provides advice and advocacy support, campaigns and influences decision makers to improve later life for us all. All our services are free at the point of contact and are designed to meet the needs of older people. While our direct care and wellbeing services are targeted at those in most need or at risk of disadvantage, our advice lines are open to all older people or anyone who is concerned about an older person.
Age NI works alongside older people to advocate for positive change and influence and shape the development of improved services that practically deliver for older people. We influence public policy and seek to improve attitudes towards ageing and older people and support the development of a strong and sustainable age sector. Age NI reaches and supports older people in local communities through our motivated staff and volunteer base who are committed to our culture and values:
You matter.
We care.
Together we make a difference.
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